
Empathy: why do we fail this Subject?

  EMPATHY: WHY DO WE FAIL THIS SUBJECT?   How well do we know and understand humanity? Are we really the compassionate and the empathy type of human beings that we’d like to preach we are? Do we really think about what others feel and what they go through? Honestly speaking I don’t think so, the level of compassion we feel about characters in dramas, movies and novels; we hardly feel an ounce of that compassion for even our family or relative let alone a stranger. Why are we so hard hearted? Is it made of stone instead of the muscle meant for pumping blood or the emotions one could feel for another living soul? When our favorite character is stuck in some kind of emotional or mental turmoil and they cry and lament or swallow everything down no matter how bad it stings; we sympathize with that character, feel bad for them, discuss them, fight over those imaginary trials and even go as far as abusing others who speak ill of them or sometimes even cry over it. Now where i...

BAAJI Movie Review

Baaji- a story of a senior actor who is struggling with her deteriorating career and is finding it hard to come to terms with this decline in her success and fame. The actor Shameera, she is in complete denial thinking that no young blood has the ability to replace her, that people will always want to see her in the spotlight although the truth is staring her in the face. Although a harsh one but still it’s a reality except the bond of family everything is replacable. Shameera isn’t proud or arrogant but rather a misfit for the media industry given her innocence, she easily trusts people, along her journey she was fortunate to come across two of her genuine friends; Api n Neha and she ended up ditching both which again made it clear that she was oblivious to their true nature. Due to this ignorance she couldn’t see, the person she loved and trusted the most ended up betraying her and his so called beloved Neha, Shameera thought that she was so fabulous that surely she deserved t...

What Is Depression

                                      WHAT IS DEPRESSION? Personally I think it's a disease some what like cancer, you leave it unchecked and it will eventually spread. Normally diseases harm your body, organs and your entire system but depression, it damages your soul and science has proven this; mind over body and the soul is like the electricity to this C.P.U. That mind will simply start to detect your files being corrupted by unidentified bacteria. Once depression kicks in your mind will be hacked, it won't matter how intelligent, creative and witty you are, it will all go out of the window.  If you accept that you are a loser or no one loves you then trust me it will happen, indulging in self-pity is like watering a plant called depression, so it will only grow and the more you will water it, the faster it will happen. This process towards depression is slow but if gone unnotice...